Analyzing with Let's Check


Many users have powerful systems displaying top-engine analysis at great depth that others can see. These analyses can surpass our own, and just as importantly, provide evaluations and variations of up to three different engines. All these analyses are stored in the LiveBook for later perusal, and can then be added to the game notation at any time.

You can request LiveBook analyses your own game to retrieve evaluations of positions that have already been seen. You never know when you will discover that an opening or middlegame you played hasn't already been seen and contributed from another source.

The first thing to do is to have the game you want analyzed visible in the notation.

In the next step connect to Let's Check through the Engine tab at the top of the Board window.

Switch to the Analysis tab and click on "Let's Check Analysis".

A pane with several options will open.

Standard Analysis is the option you want.

Leave User Names checked to see the users who contributed the lines, and Include Text Comments, if any were added.

The result shows the variations for every move, including the evaluations, depth, and the engine signing them.





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